Thursday, December 09, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year for Thanksgiving my family decided to crash at my house and spend some fun loving quality time with each other. My parents came from Tennessee and my sister and her friend, Eric came from BYU and BYU Idaho.

Thanksgiving is seriously one of my favorite holidays because you don't have to really get ready for anything, maybe the Thanksgiving Feast, but basically you just hang out with family and friends and EAT! (My favorite thing to do.)

While my family was here we decided to go to the ZooLights. Emi had so much fun and enjoyed looking at all the lights.

The Family

Rika and Eric

Then the men had some quality time and went to a PHX Sun's game which went to double overtime and they lost. Our family has the worst of luck. If we like a team, then almost always the team loses. So if you want to gamble, ask us what team we are rooting for and then choose the other... and for sure you'll win.

Silly Guys

Then we had some good times at the Scottsdale Train Park.

My Emi

Basically the whole time they were here, we ate and ate and ate. Seems like we went to every single restaurant in Phoenix. I probably gained ten pounds while they were here. I've been spoiled the last couple of months because I've seen my family every single month now since August. Anyone want to plan a trip for January? :)

Thanks for all coming and we'll miss you!

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

Thanksgiving does rock!!
Drove through Tennessee a couple of weeks ago and thought of you!!