Monday, August 30, 2010


Last week Friday, my sister and her boyfriend came over from BYU during their summer break to come visit us in deadly hot AZ. Seriously, not the best time to come visit Arizona. But even with the heat, we had fun having them come and play with us.

My son's happy face because of all the extra attention.

We got season passes to Wet N' Wild this year but each time we go there, I always forget to bring my camera. This time I had a lot of help with the kids, so I didn't forget it.

Rika and Eric

While they were here we went to Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall and then to Sprinkles cupcake to see what the hype is with these cupcakes.

They were good, but not crazy enough to go back to Scottsdale to get some more good. But I must say that they do wrap the cupcakes pretty darn cute.

And more cute pictures of the kids and my sister.

This one taken at Chandler Mall on the train.

Overall, it was so much fun having family and also the extra help with the kids was nice too! Thanks Rika and Eric for coming to visit. It was a lot of fun and we hope to see you again soon. Good luck this Fall!

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