Sunday, September 26, 2010

Disneyland Trip

This trip was so last minute, but since my mom was coming in for two weeks this month, we decided to just go and take advantage of the extra help. We are so not spontaneous, so this is way out of line for us, but we are glad that we decided to just do it.

Now that I think about it, this is our family's first Disneyland trip ever. I've been to Tokyo Disneyland and Disney World many times, but never to Disneyland. And Blaine, let's just say he's not the Disneyland type; hence the "never been to Disneyland".

Emi had so much fun and I can't believe that she was so excited to see all the Disney characters because she usually freaks out with Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and so forth. This trip was all about her and I'm so happy that we were able to take her. Brenden unfortunately won't remember a thing, but he had fun too.

Dad and Emi

The whole family in Pixie Hollow.

Emi meeting Tinkerbell. She was just amazed to see her in person, I think it shocked her a little bit. So cute to see how Emi's eyes just light up when she meets her. I love her innocence and amazement.

"It's a small world after all..."

Disneyland has this Fantasy Fair area where they can meet all the Princesses and do all the girly stuff. Emi was in HEAVEN! She loved it so much that we had to go there everyday.

Emi and Princess Tiana.

Brenden not so much of a fan of Princess Tiana.

She looks a little uncomfortable with Princess Jasmine, maybe because she's wearing no clothes. :)

My favorite was Ariel. Here's Emi telling how old she is.

My boy waiting patiently while his sister does all her girly stuff. I know that will soon change and we'll have to start separating because he will not want to take part in any of this princess stuff.

Then Emi wanted to get her face painted. After she got it done, she loved it and said, "Mommy, now everyone will like me because I'm so PRETTY!" Then Blaine replied, "I liked you even when you were ugly." Oh geez... I think we are going to have one out of control teenager.

This is the funniest picture of the two kids because Emi is showing Brenden her pretty painted face and he's looking at her and thinking... "What the heck is on your face?"

Brenden loved Eeyore.

On the Dumbo Ride...

The next day we went to California Adventure which was nice because there were less people there and the kids were already so tired from the day before. Still a lot of fun though...

Emi wanted to see Mickey Mouse so bad, but we couldn't find him till the second day. So when we did find him she was so happy to see him.

Emi made TWO friends here. This little girl wanted to take a picture with Emi so badly because they had the same dress on.

Then, of course, we had to go back to the princess place again so that Emi could get her face painted. She was a pro at this and the people waiting kept asking me if she was dead because she would be so still and peaceful while having her face painting done.

See... So relaxed and peaceful. :)

The finished product.

Family picture! So tired, can't even stand...

My mom at the end of the day. Too funny!!

It was such a fun trip and I can't believe that we did it. Thank you, thank you Baachan!! We couldn't have done it without you. Anyone want to come with us next year? :) Don't tell Blaine I said that.


Shawna said...

I loved all the photos. I love Emi and her sweet expressions. My favorite was her telling Ariel how old she was. Her face was so serious. I love it.
I'll go next year with you. Seriously how fun would it be to meet up there? We cause enough damage in Ikea I don't even want to know what would happen with Disneyland. That could be scary! BUT, oh so fun!

sanaejames photography said...

sounds like you guys had a blast. I remember waiting in line for like 3 hours just so our girls could see the disney princesses. ugh...and by the time we got up there, all the cool princesses were on lunch break! We got stuck with Pocahontas...hahaha...your post made me want to go to disneyland. we haven't gone since our girls were 2 and 3. so lucky!

The Clawson's said...

How fun! I'm so jealous- D-land is one of my favorite places. The picture of Emi getting her face painted is absolutely hilarious!

Crescent said...

I love disneyland!! How fun! I can't stop laughing at the pictures of Emi getting her face funny!

santino, polly and little dude Eli said...

Wow, these pictures blow my mind! They are so great! I am so glad you captured those great moments... I esp. love the ones that Emi's face were being painted. She's sooo funny! Maybe next year we will come with you guys ;)