Monday, August 27, 2007

Round Table Camping at Big Lake, Arizona

This past weekend was the Round Table (Allred Married Cousins) First Annual Campout. We went to Big Lake, AZ which was about a five hour drive from Phoenix. We thought it was only three hours to drive there, so the extra two hours were unexpected. It was really pretty up there and actually cold. Who would have ever thought that Arizona would be cold especially in August? It was nice to escape the hot weather and enjoy being one with nature. hahaha... That saying is coming from me. I am the last person to be one with nature. Since Emi's still little we decided to stay at a hotel in Eager. I don't know if the hotel was really for her or for me. :)

Here's Blaine driving to Big Lake, AZ. We always take this picture of Blaine driving whenever we go somewhere. It's tradition... weird, huh?

Emi sucking on her yummy fingers. She doesn't like her pacifier, but she loves sucking on her hand, which is fine with me, because we always forget her pacifier.

This was a little breakstop for Emi. Don't really know where this is, but the scenery was beautiful. As you can tell, it was also really windy.

Here's a better shot of the scenery on our drive to Big Lake, AZ.

Here's a family shot of us at the campsite. They made T-shirts for everyone to keep to remember our time at Big Lake. How nice!

This is the campsite at Big Lake. It was really pretty because there were so many trees. Reminded me of Utah.


Crescent said...

Your pictures of the mountains are making me homesick for them!! There are NO mountains in New York. I don't even think there is really hills....

Brittney said...

Yay! I'm glad you guys have a blog so we can see pics and keep up on what you're doing. It was so much fun staying w/ you! We miss you!

Cassidy said...

You have a blog!!!!! I'm so excited!! I'm the worst at emails and calling, so this is a GREAT way for me to keep in touch with you guys! Oh man I miss you Aika! Seriously. You too Blaine! :) Emi is SOOOOOO cute! I love her! I'm jealous you have a girl *sigh*. Someday I'll get one. I do love Carter though, I never thought boys could be so fun and funny. Kids are hilarious. YAY you have a blog! Can you tell I'm excited? By the way, you look good!!!!

Polly said...

Hey!!! I forgot you know Cassidy! So, I am so glad to find a way to get a hold of you guys! And your cute Emi!! I miss you guys, how are ya?

Anonymous said...

You have a very nice camping blog. I hope you will post more and thank you for sharing.