Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tennessee Trip

These past TWO weeks, Emi and I had the opportunity to go visit my family in Tennessee. I was really nervous about the plane ride because this was my first time traveling alone with her. But surprisingly she did very good and didn't even cry.

We had fun visiting with my family and I was able to work in Tennessee while my Mom took care of Emi. THANKS MOM!!! It was nice being with my family and having someone to talk to at home because Blaine is so busy with work and school that he's hardly ever home. We didn't do too much, just mostly stayed at home and did small errands around town.

But the things that we did do was go to the best place in the world, DOLLYWOOD. For those of you who don't know about Dollywood, ooh let me tell you. It's Dolly Parton's Theme Park and it's so much fun. We even got to see Dolly Parton. The weird thing is that she hardly ever comes to Dollywood, but everytime that I have gone there, she is usually there. Lucky me!!! We tried to take a picture of her, but when we did our camera's batteries died on us. That is so typical... oh well... If you guys want to see her, you can see her on Hannah Montana, which is one of my favorite shows. :) **music** You get the best of both worlds... **music** hahaha...

Before I left, we went to Nashville to hang out there because my Dad had a conference and I flew out of there as well. We went shopping and had a good time there.

Thanks for everything Mom, Dad, and Rika!!! Love you!!! Can't wait to see you for Christmas!!!

Here are some pictures from the Tennessee trip:

Emi playing with a toy that my parents bought for her. She is starting to grab things, so it's fun watching her because she is finally understanding and having fun with her toys.

This one is showing how BENDY she is. I liked this picture because it always makes me laugh, maybe this is child abuse. :)

My Mom and Emi

My Mom, Dad and Emi relaxing on the couch.

My Mom and Emi playing and watching TV.

Emi playing with my Mom. She is so much fun.

Teething and Tired

My Dad lawn mowing the front yard. I tried to help, but their front and back yard is too huge. Not fun cleaning that thing up. :(

Emi loved being outside. I haven't been able to take her outside in Arizona because it is too hot in the summertime. She loved being outside in Tennesee and would sit in her stroller by HERSELF and just watch outside for a long time.

This is my sister and I trying to play football.

Emi waiting patiently to see Dolly Parton.

Dad and Emi waiting for Dolly. If you ever see Dolly Parton in real life, she wears a ton of makeup and looks like a ghost. She is really pretty far away, but scary looking up close. But she is super skinny... My goal is to be as skinny as her. :) It will never happen...

Of all the rides at Dollywood, this 25 cents Barrel of Fun is my favorite ride there. It's this strong vibrating plate located where the feet goes, and it sure feels good after a long day at a theme park.

We also got to go to a Ricky Skaggs Concert. Haven't really heard of him, but I guess he's this blue grass legend. It was good, but after a while the songs started to sound like each other and then I got bored...

Hanging out with my sister in Nashville

1 comment:

Crescent said...

Hooray! I've been waiting for you to update your blog...it's about time! But I'll forgive you since you were in Tennessee. It looks so beautiful there--very green and country where your parents live. And aren't grandparents the best when you need a break for a little while? Hope you are doing well!