Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Playing with Emi

Here's just a couple shots that I took of her while she was playing. I have to start doing her hair because it gets in her eyes. She usually looks crazy everyday, so having her hair done made her look like a real girl.


Polly said...

Hi, it's me again! Really, Emi is so so cute! I just can't help to tell you that!

Crescent said...

I'm jealous of all of her gorgeous hair! Maia is definitely struggling in the hair department...sometimes she gets called a boy because of it. Sad, sad. Hope you're doing well!

chas said...

Hi Blaine. This is Chas! I found came upon your blog and decided to send you a message. Am very happy to see your family. Right now I am in Spain again after a teaching stint in Belgium. After finishing my PhD at Salamanca it opened a doors for me inside the European Union. Hope you are well. Give my warm hello to your family. Chas