Friday, August 06, 2010

One year older, and maybe wiser...

Last week Wednesday, I got older.... Yikes. It was a crazy and hectic day on my birthday, but it was still so much fun.

We went to Tempe Splash Park in the morning and brought Emi's friend, Sydney. Here's them doing what they do best... Eating!

Then we went to Mojo's for some yummy yogurt and came home and played all day. We'll miss you Bryan Family!!! (Warning to Families here in Laveen: Don't move or I'll be sad... )

Then the next day, we had my pie and celebrated my birthday. I chose pie this year because I feel like I've been over caked with the kids birthdays in May. Plus, Village Inn has this Hawaiian Pie with strawberries and pineapple... mmmm... so good. They were all sold out, so I didn't get it this year. Too bad... Oh well.

Had the kids help me blow out my candles.

And the best present that I got this year is... a walking Brenden!!! Woo Hoo! Can we let out a sigh of relief? Seriously, I was a little worried there. I started getting worried when everyone younger than him started not walking, but running already. He started walking that week, so it was perfect timing for my birthday. He was already into a lot of things just crawling, but now it's worse. He loves the bathrooms and you know what that means...

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes, cards, presents and flowers. I feel so blessed to have great family and friends in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Cassidy said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

Polly said...

Hey, I saw you last week and didn't know you had your birthday! :( Happy belated birthday, Aika!!

SisterFin said...

I've heard that the longer they crawl, the more developed their brains will be... maybe you have a super-genious on your hands :)