Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fourth of July 2011

I'm so behind, but if I don't start documenting things then I never will. Also the timing of my blog is kind of all messed up because I can't keep up anymore. I wish blogger had a way to change the order of your post. They probably do, but I don't have time to look into it. But who really reads this anyway... right? ;)

Anyway, this Fourth of July we were fortunate to spend time with family at the Whetten's Ranch. We were also very lucky to have my sister and Grandma Neva there to celebrate the Fourth. It's so nice to just relax and enjoy family and the outdoors. I guess I was enjoying my surroundings a little too much and probably everyone else was busy working. Sorry... But anyway it was a nice, relaxing, and fun trip for the family.

The kids got to play with sparklers while we were there. I wanted to get some big fireworks, since we are at a ranch and no one is around us, but decided that it probably wasn't a good idea with all the fires that we have had in AZ this year.

The next day, the kids went swimming in these horse water pails (I think that's what you call them?). They had so much fun in them. Emi and Charly Jae swimming together. Emi is covering her ears because there was a thunderstorm coming and it was seriously the loudest thing that I have ever heard in my life. I'm not sure if it's because it was really close or something about being out in the middle of no where that makes it louder.

Greysen with his diving mask.

We found this frog/toad (not sure what it is) but it was HUGE and GROSS! Can you see it? There were all kinds of animals that were coming out because the animals knew that a storm was coming in. We saw a mouse and a rattlesnake while we were there. On a funny side note, my mother-in-law is probably the toughest women that I know because she almost killed a mouse with her bare hands. We were screaming like babies, but she steps right up and slaps the mouse with her hand. She killed it, not with her hands, but she stabbed it. She is tough! I know for sure that I cannot do that.

And what could make this trip the best? Eating, of course. There was plenty of eating, so I can't complain. Thank you to the Whetten's for a fun time and also the servicemen for protecting this great nation.

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

I read your blog!!! looks like fun.