Monday, October 24, 2011

Disney World

While we were in TN with my parents, they took us down to Florida for a little family vacation. I'm more familiar with Disney World than I am with Disneyland because we use to go quite frequently when we were growing up. It was fun to be there with everyone and see Emi enjoy the place of her dreams. Come on... who doesn't have fun at Disney World?

Baachan with her grandkids.

This time Emi was not into the characters or princesses, so it was nice that we didn't have to wait in line to see any of them. She was more into the rides. My little girl is growing up. *tear, tear...*

Brenden on the other hand did not like Disney World too much. This is what happens when you drag a stubborn, hard headed two year old to Disney World.

Pinocchio at the Parade. The parades are so much fun!

Grandpa and Brenden watching the parade. It was so hot!!! God bless Grandpa for doing that for Brenden. :) That's the bad thing about going to Disney World in the summer time. Definitely prefer Christmas time in Florida.

Then we headed off to Epcot to eat some good food around the world. Love that place!

Of course, being a Japanese family, we went to Japan and ate our dinner there. Oishikatta!!! It really does feel like you are in Japan. Epcot does really good job of getting the authentic feel for each country. I wish I took a picture of the pastry that we ate in France. So good!!! I want some right now as I'm doing this. I guess I got to go back next year. :)

I wore Crocs on this day and my feet were killing me. I thought Crocs were supposed to be comfortable, but they are not. I don't know how my kids live in them because they hurt. Why did I buy Crocs in the first place?

Fun trip and like I said before, going to have to go back next year!

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

How fun! I've never been to Disney World. It's a must now.
Your comment on crocs cracked me up. I don't know how they could be comfortable eitehr.